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On the occasion of 10 December, the international Human Rights Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia reaffirms its commitment to the principles and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on this day in 1948.

The principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been the foundation for the development of international law in this field, and of the international system for the promotion and protection of human rights, as a unique achievement of modern civiliyation. It is incumbent upon us today to safeguard and strengthen the international system ensuringrespect for human rights, to develop human rights standards, control the implementation of commitments, and also to continue cooperating with international and regional institutions on the protection of human rights.

Serbia is fully committed to the universal values of human rights and implementing in practice the international legal instruments relating to human rights. Our continued cooperation with the Human Rights Council mechanism sin the framework of the United Nations, with the Council of Europe and the mechanisms of the OSCE human dimesion, represents an important commitment to the implementation of international human rights standards.

The international Human Rights Day is an opportunity to point out once again that Serbs and other non-Albanian populations being deprived of its rights in Kosovo and Metoija and to call again on the international community to creating conditions for the return of internally displaced perosns and giving them back teier usurped property.